木工最好的燕尾鑿 - [頂級選擇和評論]


Dovetail Chisels可能在精密內牙齒的工作中為您做正確的事情,這將導致完美的關節。隨著市場上的所有鑿子,它可以是一個鋼絲走,讓你找到最好的鑿子。

So, we did some major investigation on the topic and put down a list of dovetail chisels. The list will help you find the best one and understand the process of selecting and where to look while buying one.

Our Top Selections


1. Narex 813507-19 Czech Steel Dovetail Japanese Style Chisel

Narex 813507-19 Czech Steel Dovetail Japanese Style Chisel

Our intensive research and analysis say Narex Czech Steel Dovetail chisel might be the close to perfect dovetail chisel for your woodwork.


Narex Czech Steel Japanese dovetail chisels come in three different sizes. If you need micro-level work, you can pick the ¼ inch one. The edge offers an upper triangular blade shape with a 35 degree of blade angle.

The blade is 5-inch long. Longer blades are always helpful. The reason is, it gives you better visibility while working.

篡改的鉻錳鋼在RC 59上硬化。數字59是指鋼的硬度。雖然AX和其他木材切割工具提供RC 55鋼鐵,但Narex提供59個硬鋼,優美的鋼筋精加工。

Though the handle may not be up to the premium quality like other features yet, it offers a good hold at this price level. The European beechwood 5-¼ inch handle will allow you to grip and work perfectly on any wooden surface.

2. Narex 852100 3件套日本燕尾鑿

Narex 852100 3件式日式燕尾鑿鑿


As we already know from the previous product, this one too offers chrome-manganese steel. To ensure the toughness and hardness of the steel, Narex 852100 also provides fine-grained steel, which is hardened to 59 HRC.



The handles are made from beechwood and have two solid brass ferrules, giving it an antique look. The overall finishing of the chisels is excellent.


3. KSEIBI 312130 Premium Wood Chisel Set with Soft Grip Handles

KSEIBI 312130優質木鑿式帶有柔軟的握把手柄


為了我們的最佳價值,讓我們向您介紹KSEIBI 312130優質木鑿。帶有柔軟且舒適的握把的燕尾鑿將使您的手免受酸痛。




4. Nova 6008燕尾鑿鑿夾具

NOVA 6008 Dovetail Chisel Chuck Accessory

Down to our last item of the best dovetail chisel. In every kind of product review, there’s one product that stands out from other products even if they are not the winner of that list. For our number four, we have the same type of product.

NOVA 6008 Dovetail Chisel is something that stands out in terms of simplicity. The small yet sharp and accurate chisel will make your woodworking smoother. It is light and looks like a screwdriver.


該手柄是關於Nova 6008的另一個美好的事情。顏色和木質紋理令人滿意。手柄不是像其他燕尾鑿子一樣的圓柱形。把手彎曲。彎曲手柄的結果是使鉗子緊密,並且從手掌滑動的可能性較小。

Nova 6008附帶刀片,它憑據寫在它上麵。如果您在這項工作中是初學者,它將引導您並使您的工作快速。



In woodwork, the most important thing is making tight joints. When you are making a lot of joints and concern about the tightness of joinery, then read along.Dovetailing is the most popular way of making joints in the wood. But how does one make the work efficient?

A Fine Chisel

What makes a chisel fine? Well, for every woodworking, there is a kind of chisel available. For dovetailing, there are bevel edge chisels. The corner edges of the bevel edge are sharper than standard chisels. The feature enables you to cut tight and precise joints.

Cutting Angle

To resist slipping to the gauge line, you can use a low cutting angle. For cutting angles, we recommend you use as low as 20-22 degrees.


為了dovetailing, our analysis shows that it works excellent with softer steel and short blades. The high carbon steel is usually the softer blades. Softer blades allow you to sharp it swiftly. For dovetailing, you might need up to mark sharp blades.

The shorter blades usually offer more strength in less force. You can use a suitable butt chisel for dovetailing too. Butt chisels have a short blade and allow you to hit it with a mallet. This will assist you significantly in cutting sharply.







Most woodworkers prefer tang chisels over socket chisels. The reason behind it is that the socket chisels are heavier, and the connection loosens over time.



ANS。我們建議你先鑿。做法g the basic idea of dovetailing, you will be able to use a table saw or a router to make your work efficient. Keeping the dovetail uniform and tight should be the goal. Use your chisel according to the angle of the tail.


ANS。燕尾鑿鑿在前麵的上部三角形和背麵的平坦或空心。為了銳化,您需要使用珩磨導向和銳化的石頭。您還可以使用Nagura Stone進行整理。基本是為了保持斜麵水平標準和拋光它的角度。

Oiire Nomi和Shinogi Nomi之間有什麼區別?

ANS。Oiire Nomis是普通的長凳鑿子。刀片長度為3mm至42mm。手柄的直徑低於刀片。另一方麵,Shinogi Nomis是燕尾鑿子。它們致力於聯合切割和清除榫眼的側壁。它們具有像鴿子的尾巴上的三角形。


ANS。Japanese chisels have two types. One is white; the other is blue. The significant difference comes in terms of sharpening. White steels are more straightforward to sharpen than blue ones. On another note, Blue steels offer greater endurance and are also resistant to abrasion. The blue one provides better durability also.



購買這一必不可少的鑿子時,您可以在廣泛的市場中迷失。在本文中,我們試圖拯救你免於打擊牙齒和釘子choosing the best dovetail chisel for you.

Whether you are buying Narex or Nova while buying a dovetail chisel, always keep your preference in mind. No list is hundred percent accurate. Everyone has their preference. But we hope this article has helped you enough to get the picture clear and buy the chisel that is a sure bang for your buck.




An In-depth Guide About Timber Framing Chisels


